Ensure that the debtors Masterfile is accurately updated.
Follow up on outstanding debtors' payments.
Ensure that clients stick to their credit limit and payment terms.
Discuss all debtors on your book with CFO on a weekly basis.
Bring all debtors of concern to the CFO's attention.
Cash receipts must be processed daily.
All payment arrangements must be approved by the CFO.
CFO must be advised of customers defaulting on payment.
Any payment proposals have to be discussed and approved by CFO.
Ensure that Trade Agreements are saved on the “Share Drive”, and a hard copy is filed in a safe place.
It is VITAL that the correct discounts and rebate percentages are loaded onto the systems.
Debtors claims and queries must be dealt with daily.
Ensure that monthly debtors' recons are done on all debtors.
Disallow discounts if clients do not pay on time.
Statements to be sent out timeously according to company deadlines. (Some key accounts have special requirements)
Sales managers must be advised if their clients' credit facilities are suspended.
Ensure that debtors pay timeously and that the rebates deducted off their remittances coincide with what is loaded on the systems
Strict adherence must apply to deadlines.
Send POD's and copy invoices on customer's request.
Respond to all emails and telephone queries timeously ensuring queries are investigated, followed up on and resolved.
Obtain approval from CFO before suspending a client's accounts.
All discounts and rebates must be authorized by CFO before processing can commence.
Any changes to rebates must be confirmed in writing by the sales managers and amended on the commercial schedule.
Ad hoc functions and responsibilities may be assigned from time to time.