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Date Added: Fri 04/10/2024

Welsh Language Associate - Cardiff

Cardiff, UK
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Company: OFCOM

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Corporate Group

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I drafod yn anffurfiol ac i gael copi o friff yr ymgeisydd, cysylltwch â thîm Goodson Thomas ar #removed# neu #removed#

I ymgeisio, cyflwynwch eich CV a llythyr eglurhaol i #removed#

Gwybodaeth am Ofcom

Fel rheoleiddiwr cyfathrebiadau'r DU, mae Ofcom yn cyflawni gwaith hanfodol sy'n helpu i gadw pobl mewn cysylltiad ledled y DU ac sy'n siapio'r ffordd y byddwn ni'n cadw mewn cysylltiad â'n gilydd yn y dyfodol.

Mae gwaith Ofcom yn cynnwys popeth o ffonau a band eang i deledu, radio, y gwasanaeth post, a dyfeisiau diwifr. Mae Ofcom hefyd yn ymgymryd â'r her o wneud y byd ar-lein yn lle mwy diogel. I'w helpu i gyflawni ei nod o sicrhau bod cyfathrebiadau'n gweithio i bawb, mae angen pobl o bob cefndir ar Ofcom, gyda sgiliau amrywiol ac sydd wedi cael gwahanol brofiadau.

Gwybodaeth am y tîm

Mae tîm Ofcom Cymru yn cynrychioli Ofcom yng Nghymru a Chymru yn Ofcom. Rydym yn gweithio ar draws pob agwedd ar gylch gwaith Ofcom i roi mewnbwn a chyngor i dimau polisi a phrosiect Ofcom ar anghenion cyfathrebu pobl yng Nghymru. Gwnawn hyn drwy ymgynghori'n helaeth ledled Cymru, drwy wrando ar y rhai sy'n ein cynghori a thrwy gynnal digwyddiadau. Rydym hefyd yn gwneud hyn drwy'r perthnasoedd rhagorol a gynhaliwn ag ystod amrywiol o gynghorwyr a rhanddeiliad ar draws llywodraethau, busnes, y sector gwirfoddol, grwpiau defnyddwyr, academyddion, gwleidyddion, a rhanddeiliaid polisi cyhoeddus yng Nghymru.

Pwrpas y rôl

Mae Swyddog Cyswllt y Gymraeg yn rhan annatod o wasanaethau Cymraeg Ofcom ac mae'n gweithio gyda chydweithwyr ar draws Ofcom a'n gwasanaeth cyfieithu allanol i sicrhau bod yr holl gyhoeddiadau a chyfathrebiadau perthnasol yn cael eu cyfieithu a'u bod ar gael yn y Gymraeg ar sianeli Ofcom. Gall hyn amrywio o reoli'r prosiect cyhoeddi ar gyfer dogfen fawr, gymhleth fel Adroddiad Blynyddol Ofcom i gyfieithu darnau byr o destun i'w cyhoeddi ar ein sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol neu wefan. Fe'ch cefnogir yn y rôl hon gan Uwch Reolwr y Gymraeg sy'n gyfrifol am gydymffurfiad Ofcom â'i Safonau Iaith Gymraeg.

Eich prif gyfrifoldebau

Cynghori ar, rheoli a gweinyddu'n effeithiol y broses gyfieithu ar gyfer holl gyhoeddiadau Ofcom yn y Gymraeg i derfynau amser tynn. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys, ond heb fod yn gyfyngedig i:
  • Cynghori ar ofynion ac amserlenni cyfieithu pob prosiect cyhoeddi gyda thîm perthnasol Ofcom a chyda'n gwasanaeth cyfieithu allanol.
  • Cydlynu a rheoli o'r dechrau i'r diwedd y broses ar gyfer pob prosiect cyfieithu, gan gydweithio â chydweithwyr mewnol a'r gwasanaeth cyfieithu allanol i ddilyn prosesau y cytunwyd arnynt ac i gyflawni erbyn y dyddiad cau y cytunwyd arno.
  • Rheoli nifer o brosiectau cyfieithu ar unrhyw un adeg, cynnal grid cyfoes sy'n dangos yr hyn sydd ar ddod, sydd ar y gweill ac sydd wedi'i gwblhau.
  • Rheoli fersiynau lluosog o ddogfennau gyda'r gwasanaeth cyfieithu allanol, gan sicrhau bod newidiadau brys neu funud olaf yn cael eu hymgorffori pan fo angen.
  • Prawf ddarllen cyfieithiadau ar gyfer cywirdeb.
  • Gweithio gyda thimau a Chyllid i ddarparu rhagolygon cywir o ran costau cyfieithu
  • Nodi tueddiadau a llwythi gwaith yn y dyfodol a chymryd camau priodol i wneud y defnydd gorau o'r adnoddau sydd ar gael.
  • Nodi materion a chyfleoedd yn y broses gyfieithu a gweithio gydag eraill i gymryd camau priodol.
  • Cynnal cofnod o gyfieithiadau gorffenedig ar gyfer archwilio ac anfonebu.

Cyfieithu cyhoeddiadau byr o'r Saesneg i'r Gymraeg (hyd at 500 o eiriau) yn gywir, yn gyflym ac yn aml.

Cyhoeddi cynnwys wedi'i gyfieithu ar wefan Gymraeg Ofcom, profi teithiau defnyddwyr a rhoi sicrwydd ansawdd pan fo angen.

Cymeradwyo testun ar gyfer ei gynnwys ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol.

Monitro a gweithredu ar alwadau i linell gymorth yr Iaith Gymraeg a chadw cofnodiadau cyfredol, pan fo angen.

Cefnogi Uwch Reolwr y Gymraeg yn eu gwaith i sicrhau bod Ofcom yn cydymffurfio â deddfwriaeth y Gymraeg ("Y Safonau"), yn ôl yr angen.

Cefnogi gwaith Ofcom a'i dîm yng Nghymru drwy ymgymryd â phrosiectau ychwanegol yn ôl yr angen. Er enghraifft, paratoi sleidiau ar gyfer cyflwyniadau dwyieithog neu drefnu cyfieithu ar y pryd ar gyfer digwyddiadau cyhoeddus.

Y sgiliau, y wybodaeth a'r profiad y bydd eu hangen arnoch i lwyddo

Defnyddio sgiliau iaith: rhaid i chi fod yn defnyddio, yn eich rôl gyfredol, eich sgiliau ysgrifenedig, llafar, prawf-ddarllen a golygu rhagorol yn y Gymraeg.

Sianelu dylanwad: wedi dod i sefydliad cymhleth, a/neu sefydliad sydd â'i bencadlys yn y DU, ddealltwriaeth a gwerthfawrogiad o bwysigrwydd galluogi pobl sy'n dymuno cyfathrebu yn Gymraeg.

Cyhoeddi cynnwys: profiad o baratoi a phrawf-darllen cynnwys yn y Gymraeg i'w gyhoeddi ar wahanol lwyfannau yn ddyddiol. Er enghraifft, cyhoeddiadau testun, tudalennau gwefan a chyfryngau cymdeithasol.

Rheoli rhanddeiliaid: wedi rheoli gyda phendantrwydd, gyflenwyr allanol a chleientiaid mewnol o amgylch nod a rennir wrth gynnal perthnasoedd cadarnhaol.

Gweithredu Cynlluniau: yn gallu gosod a chyfathrebu blaenoriaethau a therfynau amser clir i chi'ch hun ac i eraill gan ddefnyddio adnoddau'n ddoeth i reoli sawl prosiect ar yr un pryd.

Syniadau Arloesol: wedi dod ag arloesedd i'ch gwaith trwy syniadau creadigol a gwreiddiol sydd wedi gwella prosesau, polisïau neu wasanaethau.

Gwaith cysoni: profiad o weithio'n effeithiol i ddarparu gwasanaeth i wahanol dimau, creu amgylchedd tîm gonest a rhannu gwybodaeth ac adnoddau gwerthfawr.

Croesawu newid: yn gallu dangos eich gallu i weld y darlun ehangach a sut rydych wedi bod yn hyblyg yn wyneb newid.


For an informal discussion and a copy of the Candidate Pack, please contact the Goodson Thomas team on #removed# or #removed#

About Ofcom

As the UK's communications regulator, we're delivering vital work that helps keep the UK connected and shapes the future of how we'll stay connected with each other.

Our work covers everything from phones and broadband, through to TV, radio, the postal service, and wireless devices. We're also taking on the challenge of making the online world a safer place. And we need people of all backgrounds, skill sets, and experiences to help us achieve our goal of making communications work for everyone.

About the team you'll be part of

The Ofcom Wales team represents Ofcom in Wales and Wales within Ofcom. We work across all aspects of Ofcom's remit to provide input and advice to Ofcom's policy and project teams on the communications needs of people in Wales. We do this by consulting extensively across Wales, by listening to those who advise us and by holding events. We also do this through the excellent relationships we maintain with a diverse range of advisors & stakeholders across Governments, business, the voluntary sector, consumer groups, academics, politicians, and public policy stakeholders in Wales. Ofcom treats the Welsh and English languages equally in our work in Wales. We believe our approach makes a positive contribution to the ability of Welsh speakers to engage with communications issues in their chosen language.

The purpose and scope of the role

The Welsh Language Associate is integral to Ofcom's Welsh language services and works with colleagues across Ofcom and our external translation service to ensure that all publications and communications output in scope are translated and made available in Welsh on Ofcom's channels. This can range from managing the publication project for a large, complex document such as Ofcom's Annual Report to translating short pieces of text for on-the-day publication on our social media channels or website. You will be supported in this role by the Senior Welsh Language Manager who is responsible for Ofcom's compliance with its Welsh Language Standards.

Your Key Responsibilities

To effectively advise on, manage & administer the translation process for all Ofcom publications in the Welsh language to tight deadlines. This will include, but not be limited to:

  • Advise on and agree the translation requirements and timescales for each publication project with the relevant Ofcom team and with our external translation service.
  • Coordinate and manage the end-to-end process for each translation project, collaborating with internal colleagues and the external translation service to follow agreed processes and to deliver to the agreed deadline.
  • Manage multiple translation projects at any one time, maintaining an up-to-date grid showing what is pending, in progress and what has been completed.
  • Manage multiple versions of documents with the external translation service, ensuring urgent or last minute changes are incorporated when needed.
  • Proof read translations for accuracy.
  • Work with teams and Finance to deliver accurate translation costs forecasts
  • Identify future trends and workloads and take appropriate action to make the best use of the available resources.
  • Identify issues and opportunities in the translation process and work with others to take appropriate action.
  • Maintain a log of completed translations for auditing and invoicing.

Accurately, quickly & frequently translate short text publications from English to Welsh (up to 500 words).

Publish translated content to Ofcom's Welsh language website, test user journeys and provide quality assurance, when needed.

Approve text for social media content.

Monitor and action calls to the Welsh Language helpline and maintain up to date records, when needed.

Support the Senior Welsh Language Manager in their work to ensure Ofcom's compliance with Welsh language legislation ("The Standards"), as and when required.

Support Ofcom's work and its team in Wales by taking on additional projects, as and when needed. For example, preparing slides for bilingual presentations or organising simultaneous translation for public events.

The skills, knowledge and experience you'll need for success

Utilising language skills: must be using in your current role your excellent written, oral, proof reading and editing skills in Welsh.

Channelling influence: have brought to a complex, and/or UK headquartered organisation, an understanding and appreciation of the importance of enabling people who wish to, to communicate in Welsh.

Content publishing: experienced in preparing and proof reading content in Welsh for publication on different platforms at pace on a daily basis. For example, text publications, website pages and social media.

Stakeholder management: have assertively managed both external suppliers and internal clients around a shared goal whilst maintaining positive relationships.

Executing Plans: adept at setting and communicating clear priorities and deadlines for yourself and for others utilising resources wisely to manage multiple projects simultaneously.

Trailblazing Ideas: have brought innovation to your work through creative and original ideas that have improved processes, policies, or services.

Harmonising work: experience of working effectively to provide a service to different teams, creating an honest team environment and sharing valuable information and resources.

Embracing change: can demonstrate your ability to see the bigger picture and how you have remained flexible in the face of change

To apply, submit your CV and covering letter to #removed#

Ofcom has a clear mission: to make communications work for everyone. To be able to deliver on this, we want our organisation to reflect the diversity of background, experience, upbringing and thought that exists across the UK. We aim to recruit from the widest pool of candidates possible - no matter your social background, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender or disability.

Where positions are listed as full-time, we remain open to reduced hours, part-time arrangements, job shares, and other flexible working options. From day one, we champion flexible work arrangements to accommodate individual needs.

We also warmly welcome applicants who are returning to the workforce after a break - for whatever reason. If you have taken time away and are ready to rejoin, we look forward to reviewing your application.

Our recruitment processes prioritise accessibility and inclusivity. If you need information in an alternative format or have specific preferences, please contact our recruitment team at #removed# or call #removed#.

As a Disability Confident employer, we offer interviews to disabled applicants who meet essential criteria for advertised roles. Learn more about this scheme here.
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