Teqniq is searching for a Developer Contributions Principal Planner to work in the public sector.
36 hours per week.
3 months contract.
Job Description:
Our ambition as a team is to align infrastructure delivery and council services to the growth and development across the borough.
In relation to financial matters the team collect, allocate and reconcile income; the team also assess and act as gatekeepers of the governance process to release monies for expenditure.
Quarterly reporting to TfL and the council’s capital and assets oversight board is required and annual statutory reporting is supported by a report to members of the strategic development committee.
This role will require collaboration with the wider team - sharing your knowledge and experience to enhance all team member’s approaches, but you will maintain a range of developments and casework commensurate with this grade - i.e. the most complicated developments making transformational changes in east London.
These challenges will be fun and you will maintain professional working relationships with developers, agents, architects and other professional stakeholders all with a common goal to deliver development in Newham.
For the first time in two decades we are the local planning authority for the whole borough - with the return of planning powers from the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC).
The assimilation of their developments and funding into our systems and ways of working is a big project that our team is working on - meaning you will likely be assisting with the our normal casework.
For Planning Obligations
This is an important role in the developer contributions (S106) team.
We will be working hard to improve the way we work, enhance transparency and find new ways to engage with residents and businesses on the social value that development is bringing to the borough; we’re on the verge of making transformational change to how we do things and would value the experience new appointments would bring from other work settings.
Operationally the team is responsible for the financial and non-financial matters associated with compliance with deeds of planning obligation.
This involves casework for assessing and making judgments of submissions on a range of planning related themes from sustainable and active transport, socio-economic development, public transport, financial viability, affordable housing and other matters.
You will also be holding the development industry and internal stakeholders to account to facilitate the delivery of high quality development with associated timely mitigation.
You will need to be tenacious with an eye for detail and desire to 'get things done’.
You will report to a team leader alongside five other colleagues - together you are the developer contributions (CIL) team.
We are building and maintaining a reputation for robustly scrutinising the CIL regulations and holding the development industry to the highest standards; whilst also supporting developers with getting on site by promptly processing claims for relief and exemptions; and we like to innovate with an internal culture of co-designing service improvements.
This team is primarily responsible for the collection of and accounting for monies - the developments in Newham span super-major developments phased to deliver over 15-20 years and schemes which gain consent and want to be on site within weeks of obtaining planning permission.
This post will help to streamline our processes and work with some of our more technically challenging casework; including collaborating with planning policy, development management, infrastructure planning, resident engagement and other colleagues to help facilitate development.
Disclaimer: On applying for this vacancy, you agree that your personal details will be passed onto our client, (or any third parties we have dealings with) for their consideration of your suitability for the role. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to notify teqniq of any hirer who I do not want my details to be passed onto.